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MTV GSA's CHILL OUT ZONE - Saturday, 18/01/2025

SANASOL - "Feelarama" - (Fishcake: The Sound Of Thule)

E-WORKS 978 - "A Mission Of Love"

THE BIONAUT - "The Birth Of A Bionaut" - (Taken From "240 Minuten!")

KOTAI - "Ring Ring" - (AT&T EP)

DJ HELL - "My Definition Of House" - (DJ Hell "Wildstyle" X-Mix)

DJ SHADOW - "Mashin' On The Motorway" - (The Private Press)

AMON TOBIN & MC DECIMAL R - "Verbal" - (Out From Out Where)

HEXSTATIC - "Telemetron (Hexstatic Intro Dub)" - (Listen & Learn)

AIR - "Electronic Performers" - (10,000 Hz Legend)

CURD DUCA - "Dream" - (Elevator 2)

TO ROCOCO ROT & I-SOUND - "Pantone" - (Music Is A Hungry Ghost)

RESINA - "Lenticchie" - (Opinio Omnium)

FOUR TET - "She Moves She" - (Rounds)

DECAL - "Dublin Phunk City 1999" - (Lo-Lite)

NALIN I.N.C. & SPACE - "Magic Fly" - (Magic Fly EP)

UNDERWORLD - "Push Upstairs" - (Beaucoup Fish)

THE SONS OF SILENCE - "Silence FM" - (Silence FM)

MONTEFIORI COCKTAIL - "Crazy Beat" - (Raccolta N°1)

OMINOSTANCO - "5 Seconds" - (Ominostanco)

CRISTIAN VOGEL - "Whipaspank" - (Rescate 137)

'O'RANG - "N'Hoojek" - (Spoor E.P.)

THE ORB - "Assassin" - (U.F.Orb)

WILLIAM ORBIT - "A Touch Of The Night" - (Strange Cargo III)

THE INFINITE WHEEL - "Lake Of Dreams" - (The Infinite Wheel)

THE INFINITE POSSE - "Blue" - (A Stereo Couple)

FORTUNATO & MONTRESOR - "Imagine" - (Imagine EP)

JOURNEYMAN - "50cc" - (Radical Beauty)

SALARYMAN - "Rather" - (Salaryman)

TORTOISE - "Glass Museum" - (Millions Now Living Will Never Die)